Cat Gift Set of All Natural Cat Toys and Organic Catnip by From The Field - Deluxe Gift Set

Kit includes

- 2 "Shelby the Mice" made with organic / natural
fabric, vegetable dye, and organic catnip, refillable
*Assorted Colors. Colors will vary per order.

- Oscar De La Bird (Cord ball with feathers) play toy

- 1 oz of organic Purrfect Potent Catnip Leaf and Flower

- 1 bottle of organic catnip essential oil spray ( 1oz / 200 sprays)


- This kit combination is exclusively available at The Total Cat Store.
We choose products we felt were most useful and perfect for your
kitties experience. Available in a durable, reusable vinyl gift bag
with zipper. Other kits available elsewhere only contain 1 refillable
mouse, the cork ball w/ no feathers and only .5 oz of catnip.

- All organic, natural and holistic healthy toys for happy cats.

- Approved by Veterinarians

- Eco-Logical and Biodegradable friendly

- All catnip is organic and fresh, grown witin the USA

- All products are made in the USA

- About Shelby the Mouse: The mice body made of Organic Hemp Fiber
that is extremely durable and natural. The coloring is vegetable dye that is
cooked into the fabric. So all safe for cats to lick! Tale and ears made from
natural raw hemp twine. Face imprint is done with safe food colorant.
Using From the Fields secret catnip blend developed over many
years of testing make the product far more fragrant than many other
similar toys. Completely biodegradable, earth friendly, pet friendly...
Nothing but fun! Velcro opening at back end to allow refilling with
new catnip

- About Oscar De La Bird (Cork Ball w/ Feathers): Made of all natural
dye free feathers and cord. Your kitty will be ready to rumble! Its a tough
toy and can take a swatting and batting!

- Organic Catnip leaf and flower mix: Made of a very potent mixture of
leaves and flowers, virtually no stalk material. Grown in the USA.

- Organic Catnip Spray: Extracted from pure potent organic catnip buds.
Highly concentrated oil. Upto 200 sprays per bottle. Grown in the USA.

Learn More About From The Field >>>


Country of Origin:

Made in the USA



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